Commercial Excavation: It’s More Than Just Removing Trees And Digging Holes

Commercial Excavation: It’s More Than Just Removing Trees And Digging Holes

You can walk across an empty lot. It may seem solid. It may seem solid, depending on the human weight. For heavy equipment, and most certainly for buildings, it’s a completely different story.

Excavating is all about preparing the ground for what will be built on top of it. Excavating is about preparing the ground for what will be built upon it. This process is more precise and detailed than most people realize.

Breaking ground

To prepare for building construction, trees and rocks (or even existing structures) must first be removed safely and properly. This is only part of the excavation.

A land clearing does not mean that a building site has to be reduced to nothing but the earth. Some trees and geological elements can be preserved by excavators. Properly clearing land ensures that trees and vegetation remain healthy.

Land clearing is generally the process of removing what’s below the surface and some topsoil. Earth excavation is used when foundation holes are needed for roads, bridges, and buildings. The earth below the topsoil must also be removed. It can also involve removing sediment or other debris from the water.

Construction preparation

Excavating is used to prepare the ground for the construction of a building. Because different types of soil behave differently in the compacted state, this can involve moving or adding material. It is the responsibility of the excavator to work with architects and ensure that the soil provides a stable surface for the building. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), divides soils into four categories. These are sorted according to stability.

Because a cubic yard can weigh over 3,000 pounds, stability is the main concern. Excavating is a science. To properly support a project, it takes precise and calculated movements to place soil on the site. Commercial construction also requires the use of geological inspections and civil engineers.

It is important to choose the right excavation method for drainage, especially if topography has been altered to accommodate the building. This often involves working with excavators in order to determine the best way to minimize the impact on the parcel.

If soil contamination is discovered during preparatory testing, sites for new buildings in urban areas may need to be rehabilitated. Excavating companies take the soil and remove it for reuse.

Excavating is the act of digging into the ground to prepare a place for the foundation of a building. A trench is an excavation whose depth exceeds its width. Trench excavation is required for building-related functions such as water pipe connections or sewage. These excavations cannot exceed 15 feet in width.

OSHA considers trenching excavations the most dangerous in the industry. Protective systems must be in place for excavations that are more than five feet deep. A professional engineer must supervise any trench that is more than 20 feet deep.

Everything is connected

Preparing a site to be built requires more than just clearing the land. This involves the collaboration of experts from various fields, including engineering and geology. The soil must be “competent”, or strong enough to withstand all the loads that will be placed on it by the building. The integrity of the excavations and the effects on surrounding areas are also their responsibility. This post was written by Tanner Brown. Tanner is the Owner and operator of Greenbar Excavation. Greenbar Excavation is a fully licensed, insured, and accredited Excavation company based in Prineville, Oregon. Greenbar Excavation is one of the top companies for Septic pumping in Central Oregon. Don’t look further, go with the company with your best interest in mind!